
This getting started guide shows how to install Jbi4Cics and a sample service assembly in ServiceMix . This component has been tested with servicemix-3.1-incubating.

Installing CICS JCA Resource Adapter

Configuring JNDI resource

Installing Jbi4Cics Binding Component

Creating a service assembly

Deploying a service assembly

Installing CICS JCA Resource Adapter

Jbi4Cics calls CICS ECI services via IBM's CTG Transaction Gateway. CTG Transaction Gateway may be called with JCA connector as shown in the following figure:

JCA CTG Architecture.

First thing to do is to install the connector. If you have a CICS Transaction Gateway you should also have a file named cicseci.rar. This file is a deployable resource adapter see CICS Transaction Gateway Home Page and J2EE Connector Architecture Home Page for more information on this topic.

Deploying in ServiceMix standalone

ServiceMix supports JCA resource adapter through spring, to deploy the cicseci.rar simply unzip it and copy all contained jar in SERVICEMIX_HOME /lib/optional directory.

Deploying in ServiceMix embedded in an application server

If you're using an application server deploy the cicseci.rar in it. Follow your application server documentation on how to do that, many servers have an administration console for this purpose.

Configuring JNDI resource

Next step is to configure a connection to your CICS Transaction Gateway and make it visible to the Jbi4Cics Binding Component through JNDI.

Configuring in servicemix standalone

Add the following code snippet to <SERVICEMIX_HOME>/conf/jndi.xml:

<bean id="eciManagedConnectionFactory"
  <property name="serverName"><value><CICS_NAME></value></property>
  <property name="connectionURL"><value><CTG_SERVER_NAME></value></property>
  <property name="portNumber"><value><CTG_SERVER_PORT></value></property>

<bean id="eciConnectionFactory" class="">
  <property name="managedConnectionFactory">
    <ref local="eciManagedConnectionFactory"/>


  • CICS_NAME is the name of the CICS server you want to connect to.
  • CTG_SERVER_NAME is the name (or ip address) of the CICS Transaction Gateway server you want to connect to.
  • CTG_SERVER_PORT is the ip port where the CICS Transaction Gateway server is listening on.

then in the same file add a new entry in the JNDI entry map (bean id=jndi) as follow:

<!-- CICS connection -->
<entry key="<JNDI_CICS_NAME>" value-ref="eciManagedConnectionFactory" />


  • JNDI_CICS_NAME is the name you want to give to this connection, the J2EE standard for this type of connection advices to use a name such a eis/connectionName .

Configuring in ServiceMix embedded in an application server

Follow the documentation on how to do that, many servers have an administration console for this purpose.

Of course in both cases you may define as many connections as needed.

Installing Jbi4Cics Binding Component

Download Jbi4Cics and copy it into <SERVICEMIX_HOME>/install.

Creating a service assembly

A service assembly is a deployable item that configure one or more endpoint inside a JBI ESB. We are going set up a configuration that take a CICS ECI service and expose it a SOAP/HTTP Webservice. The configuration is shown in the following figure:

A CICS ECI service exposed as a SOAP/HTTP Webservice.

The Jbi4Cics component is used to create an internal (i.e. visible inside the ESB) endpoint. This internal endpoint is then used to create an external endpoint with the servicemix-http Binding Component. The http component will proxy the incoming externall calls to the internal endpoint exploiting the JBI routing mechanisms.

A service assembly is a zip file containing one or more service unit file, each service unit defines one or more endpoint. We need two endpoints so we're going to configure two service units:

  • JBI4CicsSU containing the definition for the Jbi4Cics endpoint.
  • HttpSU containing the definition for the http endpoint.

Both service units are a zip file.

Jbi4Cics service unit

A Jbi4Cics service unit has the following layout:

+- xbean.xml
      +- jbi.xml


  • xbean.xml contains the informations for defining the endpoint.
  • COPY_COBOL is the copy cobol used by the service to bo called.
  • jbi.xml is a JBI mandatory file but at the moment doesn't contains useful information.

xbean.xml is a standard xbean file like those used by the Spring framework . It has the following content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.jbi.Jbi4cicsEndpoint">
        <property name="copyCobolFileName" value="<COPY_COBOL>"/>
        <property name="codePage" value="<CODE_PAGE>"/>
    <property name="serviceDescriptor">
      <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.webservices.descriptor.ServiceDescriptor">
        <property name="serviceName" value="<SERVICE_NAME>" />
        <property name="serviceInterfacePackageName" value="<SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME>"/>
          <property name="account">
                <bean class="">
                        <property name="username" value="<USERNAME>"/>
                  <property name="password" value="<PASSWORD>"/>
        <property name="serviceLocation">
                <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.locator.SimpleLocation">
                        <property name="connectionTypeName" value="CICS"/>
                  <property name="locationName" value="<JNDI_CONNECTION_NAME>"/>
        <property name="interactionDescription">
                <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.cics.CICSInteractionDescription">
                        <property name="programName" value="<PROGRAM_NAME>"/>
                  <property name="transactionName" value="<TRANSACTION_NAME>"/>
                  <property name="tpn" value="true"/>


  • COPY_COBOL is name of the fine containing the copy cobol.
  • SERVICE_NAME is the name of the service this endpoint represents. It must be a valid java class name.
  • SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME is the name of the package of the dynamically generated classes for this service. It must be a valid java package name. It will also be used (reversed) to generate the webservice namespace. So if the package is aaa.bbb.ccc the webservice namespace will be
  • USERNAME is the username used for the connection to the CICS Transaction Gateway.
  • PASSWORD is the password used for the connection to the CICS Transaction Gateway.
  • JNDI_CONNECTION_NAME is the previously defined JNDI name for the connection used by this service.
  • PROGRAM_NAME is the cobol program name.
  • TRANSACTION_NAME is the transaction associated to the cobol program in the CICS server.

jbi.xml has the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi xmlns="" version="1.0">

There is no parameter to specify.

Zip all the files in the specified layout and name the archive

Http service unit

A http service unit has the following layout:

+- xbean.xml
      +- jbi.xml


  • xbean.xml contains the informations for defining the endpoint.
  • jbi.xml is a JBI mandatory file but at the moment doesn't contains useful information.

the xbean.xml has the following format:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns:http=""

    soap="true" />


  • REVERSED_PACKAGE_NAME is the service package name written is reverse order. As noted before the package name is used to build the Webservice namespace.
  • SERVICE_NAME is the same chosen for the Jbi4Cics service unit.

The jbi.xml is the same as the Jbi4Cics one.

Zip all the files in the specified layout and name the archive

The service assembly

The service assembly is unit of deployable configuration in JBI, in our sample it has the following layout:

      +- jbi.xml


  • and are the previously created service units.
  • jbi.xml is the service assembly deployment descriptor.

The jbi.xml has the following format as described in the JBI Specification :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi xmlns="" version="1.0">


  • SA_NAME is the name of the service assembly for documentation purposes.
  • SA_DESCRIPTION is the service assembly desription for documentation purposes.
  • SU1_DESCRIPTION and SU2_DESCRIPTION are the service units description for documentation purposes.

Notice that the BC filenames ( and are specified with the respective component (jbi4cics and servicemix-http). Zip all the files in the specified layout and name the archive (the archive name is not important).

ServiceMix provides a maven2 plugin to automate the process of creation and deploy of JBI artifacts.

Deploying a service assembly

Copy the created service assembly in <SERVICEMIX_HOME>/deploy.