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1   /*******************************************************************************
2    *  Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Imola Informatica.
3    *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4    *  are made available under the terms of the LGPL License v2.1
5    *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6    *
7    ******************************************************************************/
8   package it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.typemapping.cobol;
10  import it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.Logger;
11  import it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.LoggerFactory;
12  import it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.exception.FormatException;
13  import it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.jbi.Messages;
15  import;
17  public class StringMarshaller {
19    /**
20     * The logger for this class and its instances.
21     */
22    private static final Logger LOG
23            = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StringMarshaller.class);
25    /**
26     * The responsible to translate localized messages.
27     */
28    private static final Messages MESSAGES
29            = Messages.getMessages(StringMarshaller.class);
31    /**
32     * void constructor.
33     */
34      public StringMarshaller(){
35      }
37    public static void marshallStringIntoBuffer(String value, byte[] buffer, int startingOffset, String codePage, int size, int justification, String padCharStr) throws FormatException {
38      byte[] valueArray = null;
39      try {
40        valueArray = value.getBytes(codePage);
41      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
42        LOG.error("CIC002116_Code_page_not_supported", codePage);
43        throw new FormatException(MESSAGES.getString("CIC002116_Code_page_not_supported", codePage));
44      }
45      // is the size corrext?
46      if (valueArray.length > size) {
47        LOG.error("CIC002117_Size_error", value, size);
48        throw new FormatException(MESSAGES.getString("CIC002117_Size_error", value, size));
49      }
50      // do we need to pad?
51      if (valueArray.length < size && padCharStr != null) {
52        byte[] padChar;
53        try {
54          padChar = padCharStr.getBytes(codePage);
55        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
56          LOG.error("CIC002116_Code_page_not_supported", codePage);
57          throw new FormatException(MESSAGES.getString("CIC002116_Code_page_not_supported", codePage));
58        }
59        switch (justification) {
60                  case CobolTypeDescriptor.STRING_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT:
61            int padlength = size - valueArray.length;
62            byte[] padArray = new byte[padlength];
63            fillArray(padArray, padChar);
64            System.arraycopy(valueArray, 0, buffer, startingOffset, valueArray.length);
65            System.arraycopy(padArray, 0, buffer, startingOffset + valueArray.length, padArray.length);
66            break;
67          case CobolTypeDescriptor.STRING_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER:
68            int padlengthl = (size - valueArray.length) / 2;
69            int padlengthr = (size - valueArray.length) / 2 + (size - valueArray.length) % 2;
70            byte[] padArrayl = new byte[padlengthl];
71            fillArray(padArrayl, padChar);
72            byte[] padArrayr = new byte[padlengthr];
73            fillArray(padArrayr, padChar);
74            System.arraycopy(padArrayl, 0, buffer, startingOffset, padArrayl.length);
75            System.arraycopy(valueArray, 0, buffer, startingOffset + padArrayl.length, valueArray.length);
76            System.arraycopy(padArrayr, 0, buffer, startingOffset + padArrayl.length + valueArray.length, padArrayr.length);
77            break;
78          case CobolTypeDescriptor.STRING_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT:
79            int padlengthLocal = size - valueArray.length;
80            byte [] padArrayLocal = new byte[padlengthLocal];
81            fillArray(padArrayLocal, padChar);
82            System.arraycopy(padArrayLocal,
83                             0,
84                             buffer,
85                             startingOffset,
86                             padArrayLocal.length);
87            System.arraycopy(valueArray,
88                             0,
89                             buffer,
90                             startingOffset + padArrayLocal.length,
91                             valueArray.length);
92            break;
93          default :
94            LOG.error("CIC002118_Error_code");
95            throw new FormatException(MESSAGES.getString("CIC002118_Error_code"));
96        }
97      } else { //we don't need to pad
98        System.arraycopy(valueArray, 0, buffer, startingOffset, valueArray.length);
99      }
102   }
104   public static String unmarshallString(byte[] buffer, int startingOffset, String codePage, int size) throws FormatException {
105     String result = null;
106     try {
107       result = new String(buffer, startingOffset, size, codePage);
108     } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException exc) {
109       LOG.error("CIC002116_Code_page_not_supported", codePage);
110       throw new FormatException(MESSAGES.getString("CIC002116_Code_page_not_supported", codePage));
111     }
113     return result;
115   }
117   private static void fillArray(byte[] toBeFilled, byte[] filler) {
118     for (int i = 0; i < toBeFilled.length; i += filler.length) {
119       System.arraycopy(filler, 0, toBeFilled, i * filler.length, filler.length);
120     }
121   }
123 }