The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag | Total number of occurrences |
@todo | 31 |
TODO | 89 |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 31
com.javaranch.unittest.helper.sql.pool.SimpleContext | Line |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 39 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 75 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 94 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 112 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 131 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 149 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 183 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 202 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 222 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 242 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 262 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 282 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 300 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 318 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 338 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 358 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 378 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 398 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 418 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 438 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 459 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 480 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 501 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 521 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 539 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 555 |
Implement this javax.naming.Context method*/ | 573 |
com.javaranch.unittest.helper.sql.pool.SimpleDataSource | Line |
Implement this javax.sql.DataSource method*/ | 84 |
Implement this javax.sql.DataSource method*/ | 102 |
Implement this javax.sql.DataSource method*/ | 120 |
Implement this javax.sql.DataSource method*/ | 138 |
Number of occurrences found in the code: 89
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.CommareaRecord | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 50 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.JCAAbstractConnectionManager | Line |
outputRecord.setCommareaLength(interactionSpec.getReplyLength()); | 66 |
probably, we should manage the exception... | 75 |
vedere se servono le connectio properties | 121 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.JCACommareaBasedConnectionManager | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 41 |
loggare correttamente | 49 |
?? inputRecord.setRecordName(); | 62 |
?? inputRecord.setRecordShortDescription(); | 63 |
loggare correttamente | 65 |
?? inputRecord.setRecordName(); | 84 |
?? inputRecord.setRecordShortDescription(); | 85 |
loggare correttamente | 88 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.cics.CICSInteractionDescription | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 31 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.ims.IMSConnectionManager | Line |
sets the propety correctly | 66 |
sets the property correclty | 109 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.ims.IMSInteractionDescription | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 16 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jdbc.JdbcConnectionManager | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 48 |
probabilmente qui c'? gestire l'eccezione per ora la rilancio | 104 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jdbc.JdbcInteractionDescription | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 26 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jdbc.util.CallableStatementInvocationHandler | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 54 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 64 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 75 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jdbc.util.StatementInvocationHandler | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 296 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.exception.ClassGenerationException | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 23 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 28 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 33 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.exception.ClassVerifyException | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 24 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 29 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 34 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.exception.ConnectionException | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 25 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 30 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 35 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.exception.FormatException | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 38 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 46 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.exception.LocationException | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 24 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 29 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 34 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.exception.ParseException | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 30 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 39 |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 47 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.jbi.Jbi4cicsExchangeProcessor | Line |
clean this code | 95 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.jbi.processor.wsdl11wrapper.WrapperUtil | Line |
CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 232 |
There must be a better way... | 272 |
To test with more than one part. if (partDef.getElement() != null) { Element wrapperElem = WrapperUtil.importJBIWrappedPart( jbiWMDoc, doc.getDocumentElement()); jbiWMDoc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(wrapperElem); } else { Element wrapperElem = WrapperUtil.importJBIWrappedPart( jbiWMDoc, doc.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes()); jbiWMDoc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(wrapperElem); } | 288 |
Verify message parts: there must be a part element for each message part, "All logical parts of the message must appear here, in the same order as defined in the WSDL 1.1 message description referred to by the type attribute" (jbi specs - | 373 |
CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 377 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.jbi.wsdl.Jbi4CicsAddress | Line |
Add serialVersionUID | 22 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.jbi.xfire.JbiChannel | Line |
retrieve fault | 111 |
--No comment-- | 124 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.locator.SimpleLocation | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 45 |
Auto-generated method stub | 52 |
Auto-generated method stub | 57 |
Auto-generated method stub | 65 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.messageformat.NoOpMappingDescriptor | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 43 |
beanClass. | 55 |
Auto-generated method stub | 99 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.messageformat.NoOpMessageFormatter | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 17 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.messageformat.jdbc.JdbcBeanMappingDescriptor | Line |
gestire questo metodo | 114 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.messageformat.jdbc.JdbcFormatter | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 58 |
loggare correttamente | 108 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.messageformat.jdbc.JdbcParameterDescriptor | Line |
gestire questo metodo | 74 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.messageformat.jdbc.JdbcStatementDescriptor | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 51 |
Auto-generated method stub | 101 |
gestire questo metodo | 122 |
Auto-generated method stub | 141 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.messageformat.jdbc.ResultSetMappingDescriptor | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 32 |
gestire questo metodo | 69 |
Auto-generated method stub | 91 | | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 27 |
Auto-generated method stub | 50 |
Auto-generated method stub | 58 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.connection.jdbc.SimpleJdbcConnectionManagerTest | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stu | 26 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.connection.jdbc.util.BaseJdbcTestCase | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 43 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.jbi.WsdlProducerTest | Line |
Auto-generated catch block | 77 |
Uncomment the following instruction wsdlFile.delete(); | 164 |
Auto-generated catch block | 181 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.mapping.coboltypes.CobolPackedDecimalTypeMappingTest | Line |
aggiungere un po' di test bastardi | 445 |
aggiungere i test con Long Float e Double se si voglio suppotare | 446 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.mapping.jdbc.SimpleJdbcMappingTest | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 28 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.tappo.storedprocedure.TappoStoredProcedure | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 25 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.webservices.runtime.NestedServiceCreatorTest | Line |
fare degli assert ragionevoli | 74 |
fare degli assert ragionevoli | 117 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.webservices.runtime.OccursServiceCreatorTest | Line |
fare degli assert ragionevoli | 73 |
fare degli assert ragionevoli | 116 |
fare degli assert ragionevoli | 159 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.webservices.runtime.ServiceCreatorTest | Line |
fare degli assert ragionevoli | 73 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.test.webservices.runtime.ServiceInvocationTest | Line |
Auto-generated constructor stub | 103 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.typemapping.cobol.CobolFieldFormatter | Line |
ATTENZIONE su questo punto vanno fatte maggiori verifiche (ad esempio come comportarsi nel caso una stringa sia troppo lunga...) | 32 |
it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.typemapping.cobol.CobolType | Line |
inserire la gestione di +9(n)... | 143 |