User Guide


The jbi4cics component maps a CICS ECI service as an internal JBI endpoint. This is simply done by deploying into a JBI ESB a service unit containing the CICS ECI service's copy cobol.

When the component is configured properly you can use it inside the ESB to integrate others services. For example, you can use an HTTP component to expose your cics service for using it with other technologies.

Supported cobol data types

Jbi4Cics supports the String, Binary, Packed Decimal, Zoned Decimal cobol data types, see details .


There are two ways to deploy the component: using xbean or using wsdl .

Xbean mode is the preferred way when you manually craft the service unit. The WSDL way is better when using a development environment that requires the WSDL at develop time, like for example Netbeans with the SOA enterprise pack.

How to deploy the component using XBEAN

A service unit is configured as a spring xbean. Here is an example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.jbi.Jbi4cicsEndpoint">
        <property name="copyCobolFileName" value="<COPY_COBOL>"/>
        <property name="codePage" value="<CODE_PAGE>"/>
    <property name="serviceDescriptor">    
      <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.webservices.descriptor.ServiceDescriptor">
        <property name="serviceName" value="<SERVICE_NAME>"/>
        <property name="operationName" value="<OPERATION_NAME>"/>
        <property name="serviceInterfacePackageName" value="<SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME>"/>
          <property name="serviceInterfaceName" value="<INTERFACE_NAME>"/>
          <property name="inputBeanClassName" value="<INPUT_BEAN_NAME>"/>
          <property name="outputBeanClassName" value="<OUPUT_BEAN_NAME>"/>      
          <property name="account">
                <bean class="">
                        <property name="username" value="<USERNAME>"/>
                  <property name="password" value="<PASSWORD>"/>                  
        <property name="serviceLocation">
                <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.locator.SimpleLocation">
                        <property name="connectionTypeName" value="<CONNECTION_TYPE>"/>
                  <property name="locationName" value="<JNDI_CONNECTION_NAME>"/>
        <property name="interactionDescription">
                <bean class="it.imolinfo.jbi4cics.connection.jca.cics.CICSInteractionDescription">
                        <property name="programName" value="<PROGRAM_NAME>"/>
                  <property name="transactionName" value="<TRANSACTION_NAME>"/>
                  <property name="tpn" value="<TPN>"/>                    
Name Optional Default Description
COPY_COBOL no It's name of the file containing the copy cobol.
The name is relative to the service unit root.
CODE_PAGE no It's the codepage used by the host. This is important for correct string representation.
SERVICE_NAME no It's the name of the service this endpoint represents. It must be a valid java class name.
OPERATION_NAME yes execute It's the name of unic operation this service have. It must be a valid java method name.
SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME no It's the name of the package of the dynamically generated classes for this service.
It must be a valid java package name.
It will also be used (reversed) to generate the webservice namespace.
So if the package is aaa.bbb.ccc the webservice namespace will be
INTERFACE_NAME yes ${SERVICE_NAME}Interface It's the name of the dynamically generated interface for this service. It must be a valida java class name.
INPUT_BEAN_NAME yes ${SERVICE_NAME}InputBean It's the name of the dynamically generated java bean that will be used as unic input parameter for the operation represented by this service.
It must be a valid java class name.
OUPUT_BEAN_NAME yes ${SERVICE_NAME}OutputBean It's the name of the dynamically generated java bean that will be used as return parameter for the operation represented by this service.
It must be a valid java class name.
USERNAME no It's the username used for the connection to the CICS Transaction Gateway.
PASSWORD no It's the password used for the connection to the CICS Transaction Gateway.
CONNECTION_TYPE no The connection type. CICS and DUMMY are the possible values.
With DUMMY an echo service is created. The service doesn't connect to host and ca be useful for testing purposes or for have a look at how a copy cobol would be rendered as wsdl.
JNDI_CONNECTION_NAME no It's the JNDI name for the JCA resource to use with this service.
PROGRAM_NAME no It's the cobol program name to be called.
TRANSACTION_NAME no It's the transaction associated to the cobol program in the CICS server.
TPN yes false whether the transaction name or tpn name in the JCA CICS ECI interface must be setted, see the IBM JCA CICS ECI manual for more information on this parameter.

How to deploy the component using WSDL

In this scenario we create a standard WSDL that represents our service with our types and operations as usual, but before use it inside the bus we must add some extra informations using the extensibility element in the WSDL.

The first step is adding the namespace of the extensibility element in the wsdl description

        <wsdl:definitions ...


The second step involves the binding section of the wsdl where we indicate some informations previously descripted in xbean file.

  <wsdl:binding name="StatusServiceCicsBinding" type="tns:StatusServiceInterface">

                <imolacics:binding servicePackageName="<SERVICE_PACKAGE_NAME>" codePage="<CODE_PAGE>">



In the code above we have indicated the name of the package of the dynamically generated classes for the cics service and the codepage used by the host.

The component needs the CPY file to map the CICS ECI Service. This file, in the xbean way, is located inside the service unit but in the wsdl way is specified inside the wsdl within the 'imolacics:copyCobol' element.

For example

            <imolacics:copyCobol>02 inputString       PIC X(30)       DISPLAY.
02 strlen            PIC 9(10)       DISPLAY.

The last step is adding, in the wsdl:port, the element that configures the connection to a CICS Transaction Gateway. For example:

  <wsdl:service name="StatusService">
    <wsdl:port name="StatusServiceCicsPort" binding="tns:StatusServiceCicsBinding">

        <imolacics:address username="<USERNAME>" password="<PASSWORD>" connectionType="<CONNECTION_TYPE>" 
                           JNDIConnectionName="<JNDI_CONNECTION_NAME>" programName="<PROGRAM_NAME>" 
                           transactionName="<TRANSACTION_NAME>" tpn="<TPN>" />


The connection type's possible values are CICS and DUMMY. With DUMMY the service doesn't connect to host and the other parameters (JNDI_CONNECTION_NAME, PROGRAM_NAME, TRANSACTION_NAME, TPN, USERNAME, PASSWOR) became optional. This can be useful for testing purposes or for have a look at how a copy cobol would be rendered as wsdl.